Plagiarism Check and Removal
Ensure Your Work is Plagiarism-Free with Professional Checks
Get your report or application reviewed for plagiarism and ensure it meets the highest standards
Plagiarism checking and removal services

It is of utmost importance that the CDR report you submit to Engineers Australia should be free from plagiarism. This is stated in the Migration Skill Assessment booklet 2021-2022, issued by Engineers Australia. Engineers Australia identifies plagiarism as the use of presenting content, ideas, and words in your CDR document that are not your own.
If your document is found to be plagiarized, Engineers Australia has a strict provision of providing you the negative outcome for the current assessment, that you had applied for along with an additional penalty time of 1 year in which you are not allowed to apply for Assessment.
Unfortunately, at CDRReview, we have interacted with many engineers, who had their assessment banned due to the plagiarism found in the CDR thus crashing their hopes of working in Australia as a recognized engineer.
How do we check and remove plagiarism?
We at CDRReview, leave no stones unturned to check your CDR against plagiarism, in this process, we use the best plagiarism checking software such as Turnitin, write check, plagscan, and others. After checking your report against plagiarism, we give you the processed electronic report of your document showing the plagiarism percentage. If you further want to remove the plagiarism involved in your document, we guide you to make the document completely free from any plagiarism, this ensures that you do not have to suffer from the catastrophic consequences of penalty due to plagiarism and be assured that, the CDR you have submitted for assessment is plagiarism free.

Receive your CDR

Check plagiarism using modern tools

Send plagiarism report

Finalize report
Are you looking for professional guidance with your CDR report?
Contact us right away and get consultation from CDR experts to get positive skills assessment. You can chat with the consultants through the chat box.
Why use CDR Plagiarism checking service?
It is essential to check your CDR Report with good plagiarism-detecting software. Because, if you send your CDR report without checking for plagiarism EA could put a ban on you for a year if it finds any copied material. But do not worry, we do multilevel checking for plagiarism using the best soft wares available. Moreover, our plagiarism checking and removal service provides the following affirmations:
Multi-level checking
Best software
Processed Electronic report
Proper Guidance

Frequently asked questions
Most common questions asked by our clients regarding CDR report, ACS RPL report, KA02 report, and skill assessment process.